Sunday, 27 November 2016

Dreams. To Rely On Or To Ignore?


Sometimes dreams can also be a sign. Yes nobody can predict what will happen in future, what kind of life awaits? But we can prepare for the worst. And take lessons from it.

Be an extra careful because apart from believing in it as a sign, it can also be a reminder for us. If you didn't aware of it, it is not impossible for it to become real things.

And if you work for it, it is not impossible for those dreams too, become true. 

Maybe.. there are bad dreams that lead a person to a bad sign, but it can be in an opposite way as well.

Maybe.. there are good dreams that may come true, yet it may also turn into the other way around.

Just don't depend on it too much as it could messed up your life. And never ignore it as it could be something you have to be careful with.

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