Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Your Mom Knows Yourself More Than You Do

Just a friendly reminder to myself and all.

You can never lie to your mom.

It's either you couldn't do it or your mom knows you are lying to her.

It's either throug the way you speak, or the sounds of your speech, or even the glance you show through your eyes.

She knew it.

Even you are telling her or not. She will always knows.

She knows your attitude, what do you like and hate, how do you react, since you live in her womb from the very beginning.

So never lie to her. Don't even think about it.

I love you, mom. ♥ :')

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Am I That Cruel?? :'(

I love animals. And I am a cat person, based on my personality and life elements. People know that. Everyone aknowledge that. Through what I constantly posted on my social network and how much I spend my life time around my fur buddy all this while.

But there are at times, when I feel I am at the bottom of that altitude. There are sometimes lots lots lots of situations often dragged me out of being a person everyone knew.

As we all can see, having pets can never be easy. Instead of ensuring the welfare of their well being, their food, their shelter, their health, a pet owner at the same time are considered as the most patience, tolerate, generous, commited and are the coolest breed of human being can be found on Earth.

I was that kind of human being long time ago. WAS. I don't know why lately I seem to have a lot of issue regarding pets ; in my house (mom's house) especially is. I can't tolerate few things that I have to struggle sharing my home and life with them.
I don't understand myself so much lately. For me, I don't mind spending a lot for my pets in terms of money and expenses. Not at all. In fact, I've always believe that being generous to animals and helping them to survive their life can lead us into the bless of God.

But.. sometimes, I lost my tempered so badly when it comes to the mess they made. They are all uncontrollable when they litter everywhere around the house. They peed anywhere they could (even on my bed) and wanted to, everyday, in no time at all, no limits when my mom release them out of their room to clean their cage-house and litter box.

In my mind, I've always thinking of beating them, cursing them with harsh words in my heart and I even thought of sending them to the cat shelter in town.

I know animals have no intelligence quality like humans do. They can only protect themselves from harm and dangerous, but they can't barely know to differenciate things either its good or bad. I realize that.

However, I have no idea why do I keep on feeling that way. Seems like there are something lays beside me and whispered to me to think and even acting on that way.

Again. Read this. I love animals. I love my pets so much. Nothing can change that fact untill my last blow of breathe. And everytime I watch a vedio or reading articles posted on website about the animals abusing, it brokes my heart, crashing it into pieces. By that time I was thinking again, everything that people did to the animals they abused, its kinda like how I was ever thought on my own feline friends. Oh Allah, please have mercy on me. Please forgive all my sins towards them all.

I'll improve my heart. My attitude.

-QOTD- without my pets, my house would be cleand, my wallet would be thick, but my heart will be empty.

I love all of you my FUR BUDDIES. :'(

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Flaws are Precious.

People are imperfect. So do I. So do you. So do us. We are all flawed with something we can never change nor denied in our entire life.
But if you tried to cover your flaws with something fake, something artificial, trust me that others will love you in an artificial ways too. Yet, still.. a lot more will definitely hate you for being fake, and hypocrite.
People love flawlessness. Even though its oppsiting the reality. And people tend to avoid it and those who naturally born with it, even though they know that its some kind of a true fact lies in everyone's life.
If you have flaws, and you survive your life in a great values, don't be afraid if its seen by others. As long as you are not feeling or threathened bad through it.
No matter how you look (physically), be grateful. At least you are blessed with so much things needed by a human being in this struggling world. At least God is still graciously shower you with His eternal love and care. He created you in the very best look. He gave you beautiful life, a loving family, few good friends, and a strong heart filled with iman and islam. Be grateful. Be thankful.
Your flaws are your beauty. Not a bad luck. Its Allah's signature for a special person like you. Like me. Like us all.
Alhamdulillah. :)

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Note For Me. #1

When you are judged harshly or rejected, you have to be strong in your heart.

You have to accept that you'll never be good enough for some people.

Whether that is going to be their problem or yours, it is up to you.

Rejection is merely a redirection; a course of corection to your destiny.

You have to remember that your special life is for you, and your purpose has nothing to do with the opinions of others.

When we have been hurt we often shrink and run for safety. Don't allow others to make you feel small.

Quoted by: Bryant McGill

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Loveable LOVE. ♥

When two people love each other, the landscape becomes beautiful.

Beautiful love doesn't mean its full of happiness, because love has two faces. One is happiness yet another one is sadness.

That's why, never fully rely on one's love to be happy. Love people to the fullest, but give it more to yourself.

Because, before you can love others, you have to know on how to love yourself first. Otherwise, your heart will burried in an emptiness of your own soul.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Dreams. To Rely On Or To Ignore?


Sometimes dreams can also be a sign. Yes nobody can predict what will happen in future, what kind of life awaits? But we can prepare for the worst. And take lessons from it.

Be an extra careful because apart from believing in it as a sign, it can also be a reminder for us. If you didn't aware of it, it is not impossible for it to become real things.

And if you work for it, it is not impossible for those dreams too, become true. 

Maybe.. there are bad dreams that lead a person to a bad sign, but it can be in an opposite way as well.

Maybe.. there are good dreams that may come true, yet it may also turn into the other way around.

Just don't depend on it too much as it could messed up your life. And never ignore it as it could be something you have to be careful with.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

A Small Circle Of Friends Are Just Perfect.


Some people may be proud of having a lot of friends. I keep myself secure in just a small circle one.

Not saying that I'm a kinda anti-social type of human being. Neither did I feeling myself good enough to not having a huge crowd of friends to fill up my life.

Being mistreated, lied, and back stabbed by the person I've trusted too much has made me becoming this way.

Some of them pretended to be nice to me for their own goods. They manipulated my trust and make me fall into their words. And the moment when their 'business' is done, they'll disappear and treated me like a useless stranger.

Time changes people. No. It is attitude that changes or keeps a person's behaviour every time. And my attitude now are based on how far people behave to me.

I'll still be nice. But that doesnt mean I am dumb enough to not understanding things that are actually happening around me.

I don't care losing up foul friends. Its not my style to keep poisonous plants in my garden. Im a human, and of course I do have feelings too.

I'm happy with my life now. I don't have many friends I can be proud of having. But I'll always have a few bunch of real friends who are supportive and never leave me for my worst.

For those few bunch friends of mine, thank you for always been there for me. Thank you for accepting my flaws and cherish the bright side of mine with all your heart.

True friends are like diamonds after family. We may not have plenty of it. But those we had in our hand are perfect enough to shine through out our life.


Friday, 18 November 2016

Jika Mahu Bersahabat


Lagi. Perihal SAHABAT.

Kalau mahu bersahabat, pertama sekali jangan kau lihat pada paras rupanya. Lihatlah bagaimana dia menghargainya ketika kau kosong, ketika kau tak punya apa2 untuk dibanggakan. Tetapi dia tetap memilih untuk bersahabat denganmu. Kerana luhurnya hatimu.

Kalau mahu bersahabat. Jangan sesekali kau mengambil kesempatan atas kebaikannya. Kadang sahabat yang sejati, tak punya material untuk dibagi. Melainkan sekeping hati yang tulus dan ikhlas menerimamu seadanya. Janganlah kau pergunakan dia ketika mana kau perlu, lantas menghilangkan diri dan menjauhi saat kepentinganmu dipenuhinya.

Kalau mahu bersahabat, jangan kau terlalu menguji betapa baiknya dia. Atau betapa sabarnya dia. Kerana semulia apapun nilai kemanusiaan yang ada pada dirinya, tetap dia hanyalah manusia. Tidak pernah sempurna. Tidak selamanya mampu bertahan menerima apa sahaja yang dilemparkan kepadanya. Kerana akan sampai satu tahap, tingkat kesabaran yang ada dalam dirinya akan goyah dan runtuh jua.

Kalau mahu berasabat, jangan kau tuju kepada harta yang dia ada. Aku sedar, dalam dunia serba mencabar ini, harta dan kebendaan itu sentiasa menjadi idaman dan buruan setiap insan. Walau sebaik manapun dia. Janganlah kau pergunakan harta (kekayaan, wang, kebendaan, kemasyhuran) yang ada padanya dengan sewenangnya tanpa rasa bersalah. Waima dia itu kaya sekalipun. JANGAN! Apatah lagi jika kau tahu dia itu hidupnya sederhana, pendapatannya tidak seberapa, malah dia punya keluarga untuk dia berbakti dan utamakan.

Kalau mahu bersahabat, jangan berpura-pura. Jangan kau puja-puji dia di depannya dan kau umpat keji dia dibelakangnya  Kerana itulah sejelik-jelik perbuatan apatah lagi setelah banyak kebaikan yang dia perbuat kepadamu, setelah banyak pertolongan yang diberikan kepadamu ketika kau tersepit dan susah dahulu.

Kalau mahu bersahabat, jangan muncul ketika kau hanya ditimpa musibah atau hanya kau mahukan sesuatu daripadanya semata-mata. Jangan apabila senang kau lupa padanya, kau abaikan dia dan kau khianati dia. Malah kau tinggalkan  dia pada waktu dia pula yang memerlukanmu ketika itu. Itu tidak adil namanya, walaupun hakikatnya tidaklah kebaikan yang diberi diminta balasannya darimu. Tidak, bukan begitu. Cukup sekadar kau hargai, dan kau sebut kasih sayang Tuhan untuknya di dalam doamu.

Kalau mahu bersahabat, tolonglah. Jangan sesekali kau berbohong padanya. Berahsia itu mungkin boleh diterima, tetapi sekali kau berbohong padanya, seribu kali hilangnya percaya dia kepadamu. Sungguhpun dia masih sudi memaafkan, tapi apa yang dipelajarinya daripada peristiwa lalu tidak akan sesekali dilupakan. Maka, jangan kau khianati peluang kedua yang diberi.

Percayalah, dalam apapun jua perhubungan, sama ada ianya persahabatan atau percintaan. Asanya adalah kepercayaan dan kesetiaan. Tanpa salah satu atau kedua-duanya, hancurlah perhubungan itu.

Ingin sekali aku mencontohi persahabatan yang terjalin antara Rasulullah s.a.w dengan para sahabat. Tidak ada keraguan, tidak ada pengkhianatan, tidak ada yang mengambil kesempatan. Tidak ada yag mementingkan diri. Tidak ada muslihat yang membinasakan antara satu sama lain. Segalanya dipenuhi dengan kasih sayang , disulami keimanan, keikhlasan, kejujuran dan rasa cinta menuju tingkat tertinggi, iaitu rahmat Allah s.w.t.

Sahabat, jika kau tidak lagi mampu menjadi sahabat yang memberi kebaikan kepada sahabatmu, jangan pula kau menjadi 'sahabat' yang membawa keburukan dan kebinasaan kepadanya.

Pergilah jika kau tidak lagi mampu dan mahu menjadi sahabat yang baik untuknya. Jangan kau mudaratkan jiwanya. Baginya, peluang untuk kesekian kali itu sudah cukup mencambahkan rasa sakit dalam hatinya, lantaran kau memperlakukan dia persis boneka yang boleh kau pergunakan bila perlu. Pergilah teruskan dengan langkahmu di sana yang sudah tiada seiringannya lagi dengan sahabatmu itu. Pergilah sebagai insan yang pernah dia kenal suatu ketika dahulu. Yang telah memberikan ia pengajaran yang hebat dalam hidupnya. Semoga Allah redha terhadapmu.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

#Nota Hati 3: Aku Bukan Orang Yang Baik, Tapi Yang Aku Tahu, Aku Tak Mampu Berdendam


Salah satu petanda bahawa kau benar2 sudah memaafkan orang yg pernah khianati kau dulu, adalah apabila hati kau benar2 sedih melihat dia ditimpa musibah.

Terhiris dengan perbuatannya suatu masa dahulu tidaklah setanding dgn rasa pilu, tatkala melihat dia cuba bangkit daripada dugaan hebat yg melanda dirinya saat ini.

Ini bukan soal kifarah untuk dia, ini adalah kifarah untuk aku. Aku pernah meminta kepada Tuhan untuk memberi balasan setimpal atas semua yg berlaku, agar hatiku kembali tenang dan merasa puas. Namun apabila hari itu tiba, kata-kata keramat "padan muka" yang aku nanti-nanti untuk dihamburkan kepadanya selama ini ternyata lenyap begitu saja.

Entahlah, aku rasa aku ni bukannya baik pun untuk sesiapa tak boleh benci dan khianat pada aku. Aku ni bukannya baik pun nak memaafkan orang. Tapi hati aku tak sampai nak benci dan dendam pada orang lama2. Aku tahu dan aku terima cakap2 orang yg kata aku ni bukannya orang yg baik. Tapi entahlah, rasanya lagi pahit bila tengok "musuh" aku menderita daripada menelan cerita buruk orang tentang aku.

Rupanya, "musuh" utama aku, tak lain tak bukan, adalah diri aku sendiri.