Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Day I Found You, I Don't Know What To Do With You, Now I Don't Know What To Do Without You :')


Sometimes Allah sends His bless without we notice it. without we could ever imagine, out of our control, and without we ask for it. I was talking about Kuro. A cute little kitten I found in KK9 cafe in about a month ago..

She came in my life out of the blue, and for the very first time I met her, she was so small, traumatized and terribly sick.. there were wounds everywhere on her right ears, covered by sticky pus and her leg a bit sprained that she couldn't walk properly.. I tried searching everywhere if her mother was there too.. waiting for too long, but Kuro's mum doesn't appear.. She must be an orphanage, abandoned, all alone.. Pity on her, she's really catches my heart with her sorrow sounds of meowing.. so I made up my mind to bring her upstairs, to my room.. yes, my room, the fourth floor of Seroja Block.. the highest building in KK9..  fuhh!!

I clean up her cuts, and put some gamat massage oil on her leg, then I gave her kitty food that I've always prepared for the cats in this residential college all this while.. she got starved by that time.. ya, suppose to! how on earth for a small little creature like Kuro could possibly survive well as she got to fights over numerous adult cats out there, and I believe that she was bitten by them who were so much bigger than her.. :'(

She sleep on my bed on that day, then by tomorrow morning, seems she's still in pain so I just let her stayed, by the time both of my roommates haven't get back to the college as there were still in a midterm break..

thank goodness that a lady in my fac's photocopy shop has been so nice, she gave me boxes when I told her about Kuro, so that Kuro can have a place to stay, to sleep in my room.. don't ask how I clean her litter poo poo.. that doesn't matter at all.. o.O

Two days later, Kuro's conditions are getting much better than before, She could walk faster, she even running all around the room.. I decided to tell my roommate, both Aina and Hibah about a kitten I found and convince them that there will be only in a short while, until Kuro had completely recovered, then I'll send her back to the place where we first met.

Aina doesn't have problem about Kuro at all.. In fact, she came back earlier as soon as I told her that there's a kitten staying in our room.. "she must be very cute and adorable, I can't wait to see her!!" she said.. and you know what?? Kuro's name was given by Aina, in Japanese word means "black", beautiful black for sure...

 As Hibah said, "I don't mind tikah, it's ok, as long as you keep our room in hygiene like you've always do before, I'm fine with it.. it was just.. I'm afraid of the cat.. anything with fur, and biting.. hihi.." well thanks Allah you give me such a very kind and tolerate people to share room with me in here.. they were just like my former roommate when I was in the first year studies.. suddenly I remember her, how are you doing now Fadhilah.. so much things to tell you.. huhu..

A week passed, Alhamdulillah Kuro did very well with her health.. no more wounds, no more cuts.. and she's now being so hyper to proof that she's recovered.. so I've decided to bring her back to the place where she belonged to.. It's ok, I can look after her everyday, I can feed her as I did, and I'm not feeling worry too much because she's still can be seen from apart.. by then, my routine progressed like usual..

That doesn't stop that way.. after two days I let Kuro out of my room.. I heard a voice.. meowing from the outside while I was inside, doing my assignments.. at the first moment I thought it was just in my mind.. but the small sound becomes louder.. then I saw Aina stood up with a questioned face like "what was that?".. she opened the door and shouted.. "Ya Allah, kak tikah.. the kitten is back.. she came back, she knows the way back here!!!"

I turned around.. "Subhanallah.. You're back o my litte kitty (I called her little kitty or 'budak kecik' before she got her real name after this dramatic scene).. for real?? Are you really climb up over this four floors and found my room?? Allahuakbar!!" I put her in my arms, holding her like a new born baby.. All she did is meowing and meowing and licking my fingers like wanted to say something like, "please don't leave me ever again.. I want to stay here with you.."

"she meant to be here I guess, kak tikah.." Aina giggled..

"why don't you just take care of her.. we don't mind.." Hibah adding for being silent after so long..

"but.. are you guys ok with it?"

"well, as we can see it.. she's too small to be abandoned..  and we know you can't bear with it.. obviously your eyes say it all.."

aww.. what a very sweet of you two..

So from that moment, Kuro became a member of the room, Aina is feeling excited and calling this little kitty as -Kuro.. She loves her very much.. and Hibah, although the fear of cat was still there, but soon after, she gets used to it, and started to join the club, as Kuro has always giving her a warm paws everyday..

Now Kuro has been a part of my life.. our life.. every moment in this room filled with joyful, and love and happiness with Kuro by my side.. she would play with me whenever I lay on my bed, she would chasing me around, biting my feet when I walk over, and stay up all night, accompanying until I finished my work.. she took everyone's heart with her adorable look.. no matter how hard life pushed me, slammed me with the chaotic world, all my problems fade away just like that once I look at her.

I never thought that a kitten, come out from nowhere now become my everything! Thank you Allah for the "gift" :')

Kuro's first bath.. 

Ok that's creepy

She won't let me doing my work until she can steps on my keyboard

Please Kuro.. I need to do some personal conversations with my friend, so stop stalking me.. haha

After didn't get enough sleep for these past a week.. she turned out to be so exhausted with the assignments more than I do.

"Open it up now, people.. I'm starving!!"-
 Kuro <3

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Maafkan Aku..


Menerima pengajaran yang paling bermakna dalam hidup sebentar tadi, membuatkan diri seolah-olah ditampar untuk bangun daripada lena yang panjang.. Sungguh, manusia itu kadangkala tersasar dalam memahami dirinya sendiri, kadang perlu juga orang lain untuk bertindak sebagai "mikroskop" untuk meneliti sikap dan keperibadian kita luar dan dalam, jika kita sendiri gagal berbuat demikian..

Alhamdulillah masih ada yang mahu menegur khilaf diri ini.. Membuktikan bahawa mereka masih sayangkan persahabatan yang hampir 3 tahun terbina.. Tak sangka, selama ini saya anggap diri saya sudah lakukan yang terbaik untuk jadi seorang yang baik, rupanya untuk orang yang selalu di sisi saya, saya abaikan perasaan mereka.. Ya, mereka terasa, dan mereka terluka.. Tanpa saya sedar sudah sekian lama saya mengguris garis-garis calar itu pada hati mereka.. sehinggalah petang tadi.. kami curhat dari hati ke hati..

Apabila dinilai, masalah itu sebenarnya berpunca daripada saya sendiri, sehingga menyebabkan salah faham, dan dari situ wujudnya satu jurang yang luas antara kami  sebulan dua ini.. Allah, mujur mereka tidak menjauh, cuma perasaan tidak seakrab dahulu itu. membuatkan saya terfikir, "apa yang tak kena dengan aku ni? kenapa hati tak tenang dengan mereka? kenapa rasa serba salah ini berbuku di hati?

Rupanya mereka terasa dengan saya.. Allah, indahnya apabila kita menghargai nilai persahabatan itu, pincangmya sahabat itu tidak terus ditinggalkan begitu sahaja, malah diusahakan untuk mencari solusi, kerana masing-masing percaya dan yakin ianya masih boleh diselamatkan dan diperbaiki untuk menjadikannya lebih baik. Itulah gunanya berbincang dari hat ke hati, barulah ketika itu akan nampak punca masalah..

Masing-masing mengambil jalan diplomasi, terbuka dan lebih matang untuk mencari jalan keluar daripada masalah ini. Sungguh jika kita ikhlas, pasti Allah akan bukakan jalan.. Sungguh saya ikhlas menerima teguran itu, demi kebaikan semua, dan atas dasar sayang kepada sahabat-sahabat saya, sayang kerana Allah juga.

Allah, maafkan diri ini andai tidak menghargai kurnia sahabat yang Engkau berikan.. Maafkan diri ini andai tidak peduli dan sering melukakan hati insan-insan di sisi.. Sabahat, terima kasih kerana menegur, terima kasih kerana masih menerima aku sebagai sebahagian daripada kalian. Terima kasih kerana tidak menjadikan khilafku sebagai nanah dendam di benak hati.. Terima kasih kerana sudi membantu aku untuk memperbaiki segala yang kurang itu.

Benar, jika nilai negatif yang kita sarangkan di dalam jiwa, maka negatiflah hasil yang akan diperolehi, dan itu akan jadi habit, bagi kita itu mungkin biasa saja, tapi bagi orang lain.. cukup, cukup, cukup mengguris perasaan.. In shaa Allah, aku terima nasihat kalian, akanku bentuk kembali identiti diri, yang positif, diriku yang sebenar.. In shaa Allah aku tak akan lost lagi.. dan kuharap, jangan serik untuk terus membimbing.. Aku sayang kalian kerana Allah..

Sekali lagi, maaf.. :)